做下git笔记@^@,after 看了《程序员修炼三部曲 第一步 使用git》
做下git笔记@^@,after 看了《程序员修炼三部曲 第一步 使用git》
自适应编码调制(Adaptive Modulation and Coding)技术是一种自适应技术,其能够根据信道状态自适应地
系统:win7 64位
系统:ubuntu14.10 64位
Poetry Form Checker
Limericks, sonnets, haiku, and other forms of poetry each follow prescribed patterns that give the number of lines, the number of syllables on each line, and a rhyme scheme. For example, limericks are five lines long; the first, second, and fifth lines each have eight syllables and rhyme with each other; and the third and fourth lines each have five syllables and rhyme with each other. (There are additional rules about the location and number of stressed vs. unstressed syllables, but we’ll ignore those rules for this assignment.)